The QR code you (may have) used to get here is to a 'PitchPost'.
A PitchPost is a virtual post at latitude and longitude coordinates.
At a PitchPost, photos and comments can be shared. But if you leave the 'viewing radius' of the PitchPost, the conversation is hidden.
Say you have a 'Little Free Library' and you want to allow visitors to let you know what they've checked out. A PitchPost allows you to share a discussion with just your visitors.
Use a QR Code sticker to allow visitors to easily find your PitchPost.
Read the FAQ | See PitchPost ideasWhat's a PitchPost for? It can be:
- A permanent record or photo for a specific location.
- An observation about a place. The sky, trees, or the buildings around you.
- A way to interact with strangers. in these odd times.
- A layering of secrets and other information about a locale.
See the examples page for more ideas. Anyone can create a PitchPost, and a PitchPost can be placed at any stationary location. In your front yard, at a bus stop, in the middle of a concert hall. But only people within range of that PitchPost's viewing radius can participate in the discussion.
Want to create your own PitchPost in your own location? It's easy